
When Are Vision Changes an Emergency?

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When Are Vision Changes an Emergency?

Imagine you’re going about your day, and suddenly your vision changes. Maybe you’re seeing floaters or banged your eye on a cupboard corner, and your eye stings. There are many reasons why your vision can change dramatically. If you experience sudden vision changes, coming in for a checkup is a good idea. 

Dr. Bimal Patel at Focus Refined Eye Care in The Heights and Montrose neighborhoods of Houston, Texas, evaluates your eyes and makes recommendations. Experienced with eye medical emergencies, Dr. Patel helps you find relief. 

What constitutes an eye emergency? 

While everyone experiences tired and red eyes sometimes, if your eyes are consistently irritated, getting them checked out is a good idea. You could have an underlying allergy or other problem. 
If you see flashers, floaters, or blurred vision, that’s an emergency. You could have a blood clot in your retinal artery, causing a stroke. Or your retina could have become detached. Anytime you feel significant pain in or around your eye or a change in your vision, it’s time to call the doctor. 

What causes sudden vision loss or changes? 

Sudden vision changes feel frightening, and it’s no wonder. You probably take your vision for granted and rely on it to navigate the world. If it suddenly changes, it’s scary. 

Some of the reasons for a sudden change in vision are also scary. For example, if you lose vision in one eye, you could be having an eye stroke. Blocking blood flow impacts the communication between your brain and your eye. Your vision might blur or disappear in one eye. This is an eye emergency. 

Serious migraines, inflammation, infection, and diabetes can also cause sudden vision loss. 

Then, there are eye-specific injuries. For instance, if you have an accident and cut your eye, that’s a clear emergency. Eye injuries and diseases such as macular degeneration can lead to a detached retina, which happens when fluid stacks up behind the retina and has nowhere to go. 

Symptoms of an eye emergency include: 

  • Cloudy vision 
  • Floaters or flashers 
  • Blood in the whites of your eyes 
  • Double vision 
  • Eye pain 
  • Vision loss 

Your eyes are a complex network of nerves and communication signals to the brain. Any disruption in that network can lead to vision changes. 

How does the doctor diagnose your emergency vision problems? 

Dr. Patel keeps appointments available for emergencies, so you won’t have to wait long. He evaluates your symptoms and may use advanced imaging technology for a deeper look. 

Then, he administers special eye drops or otherwise eases your pain relief. While emergency eye problems can vary from a stuck contact lens to serious diseases like glaucoma, there’s always help to relieve your discomfort. 

At Focus Refined Eye Care in The Heights and Montrose neighborhoods of Houston, Texas, Dr. Patel is ready to help you. You can make an appointment online and start experiencing relief right away.